Archbishop Sam Amaga

about archbishop sam amaga
In the life of Dr. Sam Amaga were dramatic experiences; he got born again in 1972, got filled with the Holy Ghost and started to preach since January 1973. He has served in various streams of ministries since then.
Education Background and Family
His Grace, Archbishop Sam Amaga obtained degree in Microbiology.
Dr. Sam Amaga received the call into fulltime ministry at a time he was hitting the limelight in the management of a leading Pharmaceutical company in Nigeria, West Africa, in July 1982. He went into itinerant, missionary work until 1986 when the commission to plant Foundation Faith Church (Salem Family) was delivered. He birthed that vision in prayer between 1986 and 1988 and in Ist July 1988 this vision was planted in the city of Port Harcourt.
He is on a mission of raising God an army of people strong in faith, empowered by wisdom, intimate with the Holy Ghost and doing exploits in life and in the kingdom. Archbishop Sam Amaga and his wife Dr. Love Sam-Amaga have become gifts to the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Archbishop seeks to live by the word of God as an example to the church, having his home in order, his children are all committed to serving the Lord before whom their father and mother stand. His wife Dr. Love Sam-Amaga is a teacher by calling. Her anointing and skills in counseling ministry has overwhelmingly impacted the marriage life of many, dispensing healing to many broken hearts and restoration to broken homes.
Archbishop and Dr. (Mrs.) Sam Amaga are blessed with five wonderful and anointed children. They are Pastor Covenant Sam-Amaga, Pastor Joyce Sam-Amaga, Rev. Isaiah Sam Amaga Jnr, Rev. Ezekiella Sam-Amaga and Faith Sam-Amaga.
The Apostolic Ministry
Archbishop Sam Amaga and his wife Dr. Love Sam-Amaga are on apostolic mission to this generation. By their apostolic ministry, they have laid the foundation for many, in ministry, in business, in politics and in family life.
Archbishop Sam Amaga presides over the network of Foundation Faith Churches Worldwide (The Salem Family).
He is the international President of Salem International Christian Centre which is the Global church planting ministry of Foundation Faith Church. Salem International Christian established in 1998 in Lagos to cater for the foreign missions operations. This has opened mission doors to nations over sea and has since then moved to many nations of the earth.
Whereas Foundation Faith Church is the church ministry, Salem International Christian is the international planting mission of Foundation Faith Church.
Television Ministry
The Archbishop and his wife have been on television ministry for since11th October 1990 uninterrupted. This anointed couple believes that the God they serve has set in order all possible means for man to reach the hearts of people with the good news of Jesus Christ, and that television is one of them. Having this understanding, the Archbishop and Bishop Love Sam Amaga are reaching many souls through their television ministry daily.
This is why they are most thankful to God for the existence of Christian television networks such as Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), God Channel, Daystar, Revelation, Love World, Inspiration Channel, ACBN and a host of other Christian networks that cannot be mentioned for the sake of time and space.
This couple is working with the help of the Holy Ghost and their partners to expand this great outreach ministry.
Publishing Ministry
Archbishop Sam Amaga and his wife are both accomplished authors and publishers. They have published over a hundred and sixteen (116) Christian books.
The Archbishop believes in the power of the printed word as means of reaching the un-reached. He has established a publishing house as an arm of the ministry to facilitate the fulfillment of this divine mandate. Published materials are color
Education Ministry
Archbishop Sam Amaga has consistently featured in the fight against illiteracy, poverty and economic failure. Archbishop Sam Amaga has made unquantifiable contributions in this light, through its human development, but with the most significant stride in educational development. In the most outstanding manner, he has established several institutions which have perpetually divorced many from the effect of ignorance, illiteracy and poverty.
Archbishop Sam Amaga knowing what sound education can do in his efforts to empower the rising generation of leaders, has founded Faith Education Centre, which incorporates Nursery School, Primary School and Faith International College in the city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
He established the Covenant Faith Bible Institute (CFBI), which ultimately focus on short courses aimed at motivating and mobilizing ministers and people from all spheres of human endeavours to take their places in destiny.
He is the President of Salem Wisdom School, Lokoja and the Chancellor of Salem University also at Lokoja in Kogi State of Nigeria. These are the latest establishment of his ever expanding apostolic ministry, endeavoring to fulfill the vision of raising Global Leaders who are doing exploits in Life.
Salem Pastoral & Management College (SPAMAC)
Archbishop Sam Amaga has established Salem Pastoral and Management College to train and equip ministers of the gospel. Salem Pastoral and Management College presently has three (3) campuses in Nigeria under the leadership of Dr. Love Sam-Amaga.
Salem Care And Compassion Mission
Archbishop Sam Amaga has a heart for the poor, needy and the down-trodden. His passion is for a wholesome ministry of the gospel, i.e., ministering to the whole man with the whole gospel, thus reaching the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the society. To this end, he has established the Salem Care and Compassion Mission to offer hope and help to orphans widows. Many orphans and indigent students through their scholarship and somehow graduated from universities and others, yet in the universities on the care and compassion scholarship. Archbishop Sam Amaga has a heart for the orphans and widows and is doing everything to fulfill God’s mandate of giving them help and hope.
Apostolic Networking
Archbishop Sam Amaga and Bishop Love Sam-Amaga believe in the fellowship of the brethren and that working together sets a platform for dynamic impact. He is an active member of the following organizations:
- He is a member of the National Executive Council of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN).
- He is also member of International Communion of Charismatic Churches (ICCC) USA and other countries.
- Sam Amaga is one of the founding members of Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Alliance of Churches (TAPAC) United Kingdom and Worldwide.
- He is the International President of the International Covenant Ministerial Council (ICMC).