
God has sent Archbishop Sam Amaga and Dr. Love Sam-Amaga to raise Him an Army of people that are strong in Faith, Empowered by Wisdom, Intimate with the Holy Ghost and doing exploits in life and for God. In Salem, we have seen God at work Saving, Healing and Making Many Mighty.

Archbishop Sam Amaga, in the zeal and power of his new found faith began to preach the word of God from January 1973. He had had the privilege of God to be part of the various moves of the Holy spirit in Nigeria that ignited from campuses and began to affect the main line churches, graduating into various ministries in Nigeria and the continent of Africa.
Archbishop Sam Amaga by the leading of the Holy spirit planted Foundation Faith Church in 1988 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The Lord said to him that the vision and commission of raising an army of faith will be planted on every continent of the earth. He has since then been on apostolic church planting movement, moving to Lagos in 1998 December where Salem International Christian Center (SICC) was planted. SICC became the international church planting ministry of Foundation Faith Church, planting churches in Europe and other African countries and today, the tiny mustard seed of a church planting ministry that God committed to Archbishop Sam Amaga is flourishing in over three continents of the earth.
We are sent with the word of faith and the power of the Holy spirit to the families of the earth.
- Practical peace and righteousness
- Faith and Wisdom
- Intimacy with the Holy Spirit
- Confidence and Positive Mentality
- Capacity building
- Integrity
- Responsibility
- Diligence
- Sacrifice
Archbishop Sam Amaga has said “A Vision not understood cannot be pursued and a vision not pursued cannot be possessed”.
Archbishop Sam Amaga and his team are in pursuit of vision. In pursuit of vision, to empower families and generational leaders for global impact. We are sent of God to raise a triumphant army of people who are:
- Strong in Faith
- Empowered by Wisdom
- Intimate with the Holy Spirit
- And doing exploits for God and in life
Our mission is to establish 300 Million disciples in over 150,000 churches by 2055, if Jesus tarries.
We are out to win souls and establish them. To train millions of souls and disciple them for Jesus, then equip and empower them as leaders in the church. You are welcome to this great Army!
We are sent with the word of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit to the families of the earth.
We are working hard with the spirit of God to equip Gods people who are living ready, rapturable and rewardable.
From 1973 to 1984, Archbishop Sam Amaga was involved in various ministry moves of God. And the Lord was using that to prepare him for an apostolic church planting ministry where he was commission into, in December 31 1984. He there on began to pastor a church while doing his business. He finally turned in, and moved on missions, December 1985. And there after planted Foundation Faith Church three years’ after